Friday 8 April 2011

Would you like this seat, old boy?

Age looms larger in my thoughts these days. It's dawned on me that I've reached that stage where I probably have less days to look forward to than I have to look back on. 
   So I was intrigued by the idea that the decline of my physical strength might be mitigated by the adapted chair in the photo. 
   However, the chair idea wasn't a serious piece of kit but part of an attempt by designers at Sheffield Hallam University and Taiwan's Chang Gung University to stimulate thought about how everyday objects can become everyday obstructions in old age.
  Even if this was an abstract conception, I thought it seemed a pretty neat idea...especially as I'll soon be celebrating the twentieth anniversary of my twenty-ninth birthday.

The chair appeared at the London Building Centre, Store Street, W1.
Photo copyright of Paul Coleman. No re-use without permission.

Paul Coleman, London, April 2011

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